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Courses 2022

Each year, the Bayreuth International Summer School brings students from all over the world together. Taught by both German and international lecturers, the courses in the fields of applied sciences, international law, economics, and more will broaden your knowledge. The Summer School enables you to profit from an interdisciplinary approach and stimulating discussions.

African Studies

China’s recent engagement on the African continent has attracted much attention and is controversially discussed. However, are Africa-Asia relations really new? Is China the only actor? And are the connections only about economy? This year’s African studies courses will approach Africa-Asia relations from two different angels to show the depth and complexity of the relationship but also its global implications and political as well as social and economic effects. 


Biofabrication is an emerging field in the area of biomaterials, aiming at the generation of three-dimensional structures from materials including vital cells. This summer school focuses on current trends in biomaterials research and biofabrication. Furthermore, the course includes practical coursework and highlights state-of-the-art, several processing methods of novel biopolymers such as spider silk proteins.

Economics & Management

In this course, we will study which factors can contribute to and which tend to stand in the way of economic growth. Among other topics, we will explore theoretical models for comparison of cultural differences and awareness of culturally specific problems in international economic cooperations. Students will also learn to apply economic thinking to solve real-world problems related to growth and migration.

Energy & Climate

The need for rapid emissions cuts, alongside growing global demand for (renewable) energy, raise critical questions. In this course, we will cover fundamental knowledge, specific case studies, as well as possible solutions for novel energy systems. We will address technical, social and political issues raised by renewable energy (solar, wind, hydropower and bioenergy) necessities. Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and other modelling frameworks will also help us tackle some of these issues.

Law: Legal Aspects of Supply Chains

Global supply chains have increasingly come into the legal spotlight. They raise complex questions in terms of corporate governance, compliance, and due diligence. The course addresses these questions from different perspectives, focussing, inter alia, on current legal aspects of supply chains in Southeast Asia and Africa. 

Planetary Health, Public Health & Economics

This course will offer a versatile view on the topic of Planetary and Public Health in combination with economic questions. Central to this course is the exploration of the interdependencies between human health and the natural environment, such as the associations between health behavior, nutrition and planetary health. In addition to that, students will learn about sustainable economic models and their application to challenges related to climate change and sustainability.

Science & Engineering of Polymers & Colloids

Polymers and Colloids are essential building blocks for fundamentally new materials with exciting mechanical, optical, thermal, or electrical properties. This course will begin with an introduction to both types of materials and cover aspects of synthesis and characterization. We will then progress towards functional aspects of polymers, colloids, structured and composite materials derived from them. Finally, this course will also provide you with insights into polymer engineering, the polymer industry, applications, and current topics concerning future trends for polymers.​

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